When you partner with RespirTek, we want you to have the opportunity to understand our internal processes. There are typically five touch points with you throughout a project:
- Technical consultation upon contact to establish the ideal testing methodology based on your needs. This may be through a written questionnaire provided by RespirTek or for more complex projects, through teleconference. RespirTek provides this initial consultation at no charge to ensure both your understanding of the best methodologies available to address your particular environmental challenge and the deliverables expected at project completion.
- Sample receipt notice detailing the sample IDs, conditions, and number of samples received. Additionally, a preliminary start date is issued for the project.
- Communication that the project has begun, including the duration of the project and when to expect the results.
- Weekly Interim Updates with data progressions throughout the duration of testing, where applicable.
- End of project notification with expected date of completion for the final report.
- Issuance of Final Report and any other relevant information regarding the project. RespirTek also provides follow up consultation to assist in the interpretation of the results.
Team members at RespirTek pride themselves in providing unmatched technical and customer service at multiple points throughout the project. We understand that bioenvironmental sciences are not widely known; we offer consultation to provide you with the knowledge required to facilitate your project objectives.